As a leading global supplier of specialty health supplements, we currently provide several competitive services with several markets including Contract Manufacturing, Custom Formulations, Mass Market and Private Label Services.
Our Vision:
to make a difference through our innovative products supported by strong science and research for promoting healthy, productive, and meaningful lives.
Global Supplier of Specialty Health Products
Your success depends on a team
Your success depends on a team of seasoned, versatile, highly experienced industry professionals to bring you the absolute best in advanced, cutting-edge, nutritional formulations. From idea to market, Global Business Enterprise (GBE) is your complete business partner every step of the way. Whether your goal is to design a new product or improve an existing one, GBE has the expertise. We use new approaches and innovative solutions, through new technologies and the utmost quality, to help you improve your current product or develop a new product.
Our long-term success is your long-term success, and success is something we have been investing in and delivering to our partners. We are dedicated to growing a dynamic and profitable specialty nutritional supplement business through innovation, hard work, honest, and ethical business practices.
Build your business and expand your brand with the solid foundation of an established partner.
telomere – anti-aging
cancer prevention supplement
stem cell – nutritional supplement; skin, eye and hair care
otc drug
liquid & spray dietary supplements
cosmetics – mineral, non-comedogenic, hypo-allergenic

He is Board Certified in Family Practice and a pioneer of Preventive Medicine. In 1979 he wrote an article for Prevention Magazine about how he recovered from a heart attack at age 29 through natural methods he employs and teaches today. He practiced medicine for 20 years and retired from active practice in 2000 making a decision to further the research he had uncovered in practice and bring those discoveries to the world. He is the inventor of Emergent Health Vita-Stim Stem Cell Support, Hungarest Diet & Energy Aid, Neuvitale Life Support and developer of EmergentO2 Water Oxygenator as well as numerous other products in the patent pending stage.

Dr. Prendergast received his undergraduate degrees in Biophysics and Psychology, as well as his medical degree, at Pennsylvania State University. His General Surgery residency was for five years at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Cardiothoracic Surgery training was at the University of Southern California School of Medicine, including the Los Angeles (LA) County Medical Center. Subsequent fellowship training included Pediatric Cardiac Surgery at Children’s Hospital of LA, along with Thoracic Transplant fellowships at University of Southern California in LA and at Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia. He spent three years at University of Kansas establishing thoracic transplant programs, until returning to Temple University Hospital as one of the staff heart and lung transplant surgeons. Subsequent to Temple, he joined up with Newark Beth Israel/St. Barnabas Hospitals,
where he eventually assumed directorship as the Chief of Cardiac Transplantation and Mechanical Assistance. He is presently director of Cardiac Transplantation at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick, New Jersey (NJ) where he holds an Associate Professorship of Surgery in the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ). He presently is a busy clinical cardiothoracic Surgeon performing 200-250 open heart operations per year. He has over 500 thoracic transplants to his credit throughout his career, including donor and recipient operations. In addition to being an active participant in stem cell research program development, other interests include medical research funding, real estate development and humanitarian development of programs for Disabled American Veterans. Dr. Prendergast presently resides in Berkeley Heights, NJ with his wife and daughter.

Prior to joining Global Business Enterprise, LLC., Mr. Heng was President of Eneri Communications Corporation and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Advanced CNC Manufacturing. Eneri is a telecommunications engineering providing engineering, deployment, and installation to major telecom companies such as Verizon, XO Communications, AT&T, Cingular, and other telecom companies. Advanced CNC Manufacturing is a manufacturer of specialized components for automotive, scientific, medical, and aerospace industries. During his tenure, Mr. Heng grew revenue by 500% while simultaneously introducing and implementing his company’s ISO 9000 quality program. Focusing on improving quality, delivery, and customer satisfaction metrics, Mr. Heng oversaw procurement responsibility for BMW of North America, Michelin, General Electric, and Ford Motor Company.
Before his tenure at Advanced CNC Engineering, Mr. Heng worked in advanced network engineering for Comcast Cable Communications in Philadelphia. He polished his cable industry skills by helping Comcast upgrade legacy cable equipment to next-generation HFC telephony systems. His responsibilities included overall network design and execution, SONET and fiber-optic vendor and equipment selection, and telecommunications power management.
Mr. Heng grew up in Philadelphia and was graduated from Drexel University with a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. He also attended MBA program at the Western Connecticut State University and Greenville College.

Ms. Tan has over 18 years of experiences in the corporate sales and customer relations. As President of GBE, Ms. Tan is responsible for growing GBE’s business outside of the United States including the management of existing operations in North & Southeast Asia, North & South America, and Africa. She is also charged with developing an international development strategy to drive GBE’s next wave of global expansion.

• B.S. degrees double majored in biology and chemistry from University of California, Irvine
• M.S. degree in organic chemistry of natural products from University of California, Irvine
• Ph.D. degree in organic syntheses of natural products & Drug Discovery from University of California, Irvine
• Postdoctoral stint at College of Pharmacy, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, “anti-cancer drug discovery and development
• Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois, Chicago – Drug discovery and
development against cancer, diabetes, and neurological dysfunction including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, ALS etc.
Notable Scientific Contributions
The first to implement comprehensive methods to discover and develop natural products to treat and prevent the onset of neurological dysfunction, in particular, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, glaucoma and macular degeneration.
Most Recent Accomplishment
U.S. patent (US 7,728,043; June 1, 2010) on methods to treat and prevent glaucoma and macular degeneration.
Patents - Fourteen approved patents, Twelve pending patents.
Major Discoveries
Drug candidate development for treatment and prevention of Alzheimer Disease
Drug candidate development for treatment against cancer
Drug candidate development for treatment against glaucoma and macular degeneration
Drug candidate development and formulations for inflammatory diseases of the joint
Editorial Positions
Journal of Natural Products Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Journal of Organic Chemistry Organic Letters
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Food and Chemical Toxicology
Member of the American Chemical Society, Division of Organic Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry
Member of the American Society of Pharmacognosy
Member of Korean Scientist Association Member of Korean Food Science Association Member of the Society for Neuroscience
Member of the Korean Neuroscientist Association
Non-scientific special interests
He enjoys song writing (over 300 original songs in both pop rock and gospel.) He plays guitar and was a leader of a rock band during his college year. He won the first place at a rock music contest (1988) and creativity music award at a gospel song competition (1989). He continues to write songs. He is currently working on a project to publish music CD of his original songs he recently wrote.

Mr. Cross joined GBE with a new approach driven by the many significant new findings about Telomeres & Telomerase, and the many major advances in Telomere Science since 2007, when the first commercial Telomerase Activator was launched to the Medical/Professional market. So TeloSPAN is the product of 12 years of research and development.

Dr. Colman has been responsible for the development and launch of 27 major, ground-breaking Nutraceuticals, 60+ Supplements in total, that combine leading-edge expertise in the science of aging, nutrition, and nutritional ingredients, and that have resulted in very tangible health benefit to consumers worldwide.
In addition to his own ground-breaking work for over 40 years, which includes the publication of many important featured articles, Dr. Colman has also collaborated with many of the other leading experts in the field, to further advance the understanding and application of the very latest knowledge and science in cellular biology, nutrition, and aging.
Dr. Colman was instrumental in creating for Global Business Enterprise (GBE) the most advanced, bioavailable, and synergistic Telomere Length formulation available.

Danny places a specific interest in promoting natural anti-aging solutions and wellness. Therefore, he has ventured into entrepreneurship at a young age and committed himself towards this specific category of health and beauty. His long term goal is to educate the public and provide solutions to improve health and wellness.
Along the way in his life Danny has acquired a handful of skills that led him to where he is today; Leadership, Company Management, Public speaking etc. Danny has held a lot of talks, from personal development, motivational to Health and Wellness, specifically on life science, like Telomere and Stem Cell.
State-of-the-Art Laboratories
GBE ensures its cGMP compliance by staffing its State-of-the Art Laboratories with Ph.D scientists who work in the Analytical and Microbiology Labs right on site.
Below is a brief summary of our production process:
• Your custom supplement formula is first approved.
• Raw materials are weighed, tested, and verified.
• Materials are assigned to a blender specifically designated for that product.
• Each material is added in a prescribed sequence and rotated for a predetermined amount of time.
• The final product is analyzed by batch to ensure that it meets our exacting standards.
GBE’s state-of-the-art micro and analytical laboratories, manned by our staff of highly qualified Ph.D’s and technicians, offer our clients the most advanced technology in purity and label adherence testing available in the nutraceutical and vitamin industry today. GBE works towards your success in the health and wellness supplementation market.
GMP Certification
As a cGMP certified vitamin and dietary supplement manufacturer, we are a trusted producer of safe and effective nutraceuticals for private label distribution. Companies throughout the U.S. and the world trust us to provide them with dietary supplements that have been manufactured in accordance with the good manufacturing practices (GMP) determined by the FDA and stated in Section 21 CFR 111. c GMP certified companies are required to use the proper facilities, equipment, and processes that have been reviewed and approved by the FDA. Our c-GMP certification verifies our ability to create products that meet the organization’s strict guidelines for consistent identity, quality, strength, and purity of vitamin and dietary supplements. We’re also able to produce kosher certified products, and the NPA has approved our certification for the manufacturing of safe personal care products.
NSF Certification
(Sports Supplements)
NSF is one of the most widely-respected and recognized global third-party certification providers. For more than 60 years, NSF International has been protecting consumers through testing and certifying products, including dietary supplements, cookware, faucets, and home water treatment systems.
Organic Certification
by Quality Assurance International
Since 1989, QAI has been providing the highest level of organic certification service to its growing number of customers. In keeping with its ‘ahead of the curve’ reputation, QAI continues to deliver cutting edge certification programs. Currently, QAI offers organic under the National Organic Program for Producers, Processors, Private Labelers, Distributors, Retailers, Restaurants, Wild Crop Harvesters, Greenhouse, Mushrooms, and Facilities.

Daily Production Capacity:
• Tablet compression – 15 million
• Tablet coating – 6 million
• Powder blending – 25,000 kg
• Encapsulation – 6 million
• Bottling – 100,000 units
• Powder filling – 35,000 units
• Blister Packing – 1,000,000
Contributing factors include:
• Dust-contained, flexible facility designed for ease of change over, short
processing times and overall cost control
• High speed rotary tablet compression machines
• High speed fully automatic encapsulation machines
• High efficiency screening and milling machines
• FDA compliant large volume V blenders and ribbon blenders
• Automatic packaging lines
• Gravity feeding distribution silos
• Automatic blister packaging
• Full size shrink wrap
• Cross-trained, multi-skilled work force